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This button takes you to my calendar, where we can discover if we are a good fit. 

No Sales Pitch and No Pressure

Live Events Calendar

September 2024

New Moon Ghee Hangout

Tuesday September 3rd

3pm PST, 6pm EST 

Ask questions and set your intentions for the next month while making ghee, from your kitchen.

Free of Charge​​​

Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Kitchen

Tuesday September 17th

1-5 pm PST, 4-6 pm EST

3 hours which will clear obstacles in your kitchen that stop you from eating Ayurvedically, reducing and preventing menopausal symptoms.


October 2024

New Moon Ghee Hangout

Tuesday October 1st

3pm PST, 6pm EST 

Ask questions and set your intentions for the next month while making ghee, from your kitchen.

Free of Charge​​​

Ayurvedic Consultations and Classes

Gingko Leaf
Gingko Leaf

All Consultations Available Online

Menopause is inevitable but

the suffering is optional.

What Our Clients Say

Shirodhara Treatment
Fancy Flower

Becky Page

When my wife started working with Chitra, my immediate and ongoing thought was, “No way I’m doing that; it’s just too much work.”  And then, I started noticing that she had more energy, her coloring was better, and her overall health had improved.  I was envious.  


So, I too, began my journey with Chitra.  It was difficult at first as my body, mind and brain learned new routines, new foods, new vocabulary, and new ways of looking at my health. Chitra has been, and continues to be, right here with me the whole way, providing support and care whenever I ask;  as well as her amazing knowledge, healing presence, calm, understanding and brilliance.


My eating habits have improved as has my knowledge of food and how the seasons impact my body and what I need to provide for it.  I have re-gained the ability to know when I am hungry and when I might be just going through the motions of eating simply because it is “time.” My digestion is functioning more like it is supposed to and I don’t gain weight at the slightest drop of the hat. Overall, I have better energy and more effective bodily functions, sleep and breathe better, and have a clearer mind.


Friends comment on how different I look, and how much better. I feel healthier than I have in longer than I can remember.  I am immensely grateful for this new path that Chitra has helped me walk along, and plan to continue long into the future. 

Ayurvedic Oil Application

Ayurvedic Methodology 

We begin by defining health from a health perspective not as lack of disease.

“Samadosha, sama agnischa sama dhatumala kriyaha prasanna atmenindriya manaha swasthya ityabhidheeyate”

When the doshas are in equilibrium, agni (digestive fire) is in a balanced state and the dhātu  (7 tissues) and malas (3 wastes) are fully functional. The senses and motor functions, the mind and atma are in a pleasant state.  That person, who is also established in self (consciousness). Such a person is called healthy or Swastha.

Durga Temple

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